You will normally have to pay a fee for your application. This applies regardless of whether you need to change your whole name or just one letter.
You will also have to pay a fee if you want to delete any part of your name, for example the second first name, or if you want to change your name to a name you have previously had, for example in connection with a divorce.
Are there exceptions?
If you are getting married, and you and your future spouse are going to have a common middle name or surname, no fee is required for your name change. However, you must apply no later than three months after the date of your wedding.
Several applicants in the family simultaneously
If you are applying for a change of name for several family members simultaneously, you only have to pay one fee if the applicants are:
- spouses
- unmarried cohabitants (who have lived together for at least 2 years)
- siblings or foster children under 18 years
- parents and children under 18 years
Applications must be submitted at the same time within 14 days. If the applications are completed more than 14 days apart, they have not been submitted at the same time, and one fee for each application is required.
> Read about a name change at wedding
What do you have to do?
You must pay a fee on the first application, and on subsequent applications you must decline to pay the fee and refer to the first application. Fill out the civil registration number or reference number of the first application. You will find the reference number noted in the email confirmation after filling out the first application.
If your child is getting the same name change as one of the family members
If your child under 18 years gets the same name change (middle name and/or surname) as the parent, it is fee of charge. In the application, you must state that your child's name change is the same as the one you had previously. It is required that the child was born when the parent changes his/her name.