There are various facts that influences the processing of death registration and documentation, depending on whether the deceased lived in Denmark or abroad at the time of death, and whether the death occurred in Denmark or abroad. Please find your actual situation in the following and read further to read about the procedure.
If the deceased died in Denmark
If the deceased had a permanent residence in Denmark
Documentation for death (from the doctor)
Authenticated death certificate
If death occurred abroad, or in the Faroe Islands or Greenland
If the deceased had a permanent residence in Denmark
If the deceased had a permanent residence abroad, and had a Danish civil registration number
If the deceased died in Denmark
If the deceased had a permanent residence in Denmark
The doctor who performs the inspection of the body will issue a death certificate specifically for use between authorities to register the death in the CPR.
The parish of residence to the deceased (also called the funeral authority) will be notified of the death automatically.
> Read about funerals
> Look up any words and terms that you are not familiar with
If the deceased had a permanent residence abroad, but had a Danish civil registration number
The doctor who performs the inspection of the body will issue a death certificate for use between authorities to register the death in the CPR.
The parish where the death occurred who is also the funeral authority is automatically notified of the death.
> Read about funerals
> Look up any words and terms that you are not familiar with
Documentation for death (from the doctor)
If you need a copy of the death certificate (in Danish: "Dødsattest") that was issued by the doctor, you may contact the Danish Health Data Authority – more specifically “Dødsårsagsregistret” (the register of cause of Death) on telephone number: +45 3268 8350.
> You may also send an email to
If you fail to send the email, or if you have a different email provider, please write to another email:
> (Please note: this email address is NOT secure - be careful not to send any personal sensitive information.
Authenticated death certificate
You may also order an authenticated death certificate from the Dødsårsagsregisteret (Cause of Death Register). It can be ordered in Danish, English or German if the certificate is to be used abroad.
If death occurred abroad, or in the Faroe Islands or Greenland
If the deceased had a permanent residence in Denmark
In Denmark, it is Borgerservice (Citizen Service Centre) in the municipality where the deceased lived that registers the death in the CPR if it occurred in the Faroe Islands or abroad. To do so they must receive the death certificate from the country where the death occurred.
Deaths occurring in Greenland must be registered in Greenland.
Please note: Borgerservice (Citizen Service Centre) does not automatically receive notification of the death from abroad. It is therefore the relatives or possibly the undertaker who must notify Borgerservice (Citizen Service Centre) in the municipality and present the foreign death certificate as soon as possible after death occurred.
The funeral authority (the local parish where the deceased lived) must receive a request for funeral or cremation, read more about funerals:
In relation to any repatriation of the coffin or urn, you should contact the Danish representation in the country - embassy or consulate. They can give you advice and guidance.
> If death occurs in other countries on (only in Danish)
> Find the Diplomatic List - a list of Embassies in Denmark
> Find Danish representations in other countries at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
If the deceased had a permanent residence abroad, and had a Danish civil registration number.
It is Borgerservice (Citizen Service Centre) in the municipality where the deceased lived before leaving Denmark who must register the death in the CPR. To do so they must receive the death certificate from the country where the death occurred.
Please note: Borgerservice (Citizen Service Centre) does not automatically receive notification of the death from abroad. It is therefore the relatives or possibly the undertaker who must notify Borgerservice (Citizen Service Centre) in the municipality and present the foreign death certificate as soon as possible after the death.
If the deceased is to be buried in Denmark, the funeral authority (the parish where the funeral takes place in Denmark) must receive a request for funeral or cremation, read more about funerals:
In relation to any repatriation of the coffin or urn, you must contact the Danish representation in the country - embassy or consulate. They can give you advice and guidance.
> Find the Diplomatic List - a list of Embassies in Denmark
> Find Danish representations in other countries at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
> Read about funerals
> Look up any words and terms that you are not familiar with