There are different scenarios effecting the process of registration and documentation. Please skip to the appropriate situation in the following and read further.
If your child was alive at birth but died shortly afterwards (regardless of week of pregnancy)
If your child was stillborn after 23 weeks (from week 22+0)
Miscarriage - (stillbirth) before week 23, including week 21 + 6 days)
If your child was alive at birth but died shortly afterwards (regardless of week of pregnancy)
The midwife assigns the child a civil registration number and sends a notice of birth to the registrar who registers the birth, and the death is registered soon after in the CPR.
> Find the registrar
> Look up any words and terms that you are not familiar with
If you are married, the spouse is automatically registered as the other parent at birth.
If you are unmarried, the father/co-mother can be registered as the other parent even after your child has died by completing a Care and Responsibility Declaration (in Danish: “Omsorgs- og Ansvarserklæring”). You can also complete the declaration “Registrering af faderskab/medmoderskab” (in English registration of paternity/co-motherhood) on paper.
Please note: The declarations are only in Danish. If you need help to complete the application, please contact your local registrar.
If you apply on paper, please make sure to deliver it to the registrar in person or by post. Do not send it by email.
> Complete the Care and Responsibility Declaration online on
> Download the Care and Responsibility Declaration on paper (pdf.) (in Danish only)
> Download “Registrering af faderskab – barn døde kort efter fødslen” on paper (pdf.) (in Danish only)
If the child was baptised in circumstances of urgency, the child's name and baptism will be registered in the CPR-register/the digital church book, and you can get a Baptism- and Birth Certificate hereafter.
Name (without baptism)
You can give your child a name, even after death by completing an application for naming online or on paper (in Danish: “Ansøgning om navneændring”). Please note: The application is only in Danish. If you need help to complete the application, please contact your local registrar.
If you apply on paper, please make sure to deliver it to the registrar in person or by post. Do not send it by email.
> Apply for naming online (in Danish only)
> Download application for naming on paper (pdf.) (in Danish only)
> Find the registrar
> Look up any words and terms that you are not familiar with
The doctor will fill out a death certificate, and it is registered in the CPR-register.
A request for burial or cremation (in Danish: "Anmodning om begravelse/ligbrænding") must be submitted regardless of event with or without the attendance of a priest. You can complete the request online or on paper.
Please note: The request is only in Danish. If you need help to complete the application, please contact your local registrar who is the parish of your residence.
If you apply on paper, please make sure to deliver it to the registrar in person or by post. Do not send it by email.
> Submit an online request for burial/cremation ("Anmod om begravelse eller ligbrænding")
> Submit a request for burial/cremation on paper (pdf.)
> Find the registrar
> Look up any words and terms that you are not familiar with
A Certificate of Personal Data can be issued from your local registrar. If your child is baptised, a Baptism- and Birth Certificate can be issued.
> Find the registrar
> Read about funerals
> Read about the Certificate of Personal Data
If your child was stillborn after 23 weeks (from week 22+0)
Your child will be assigned a civil registration number and registered in the CPR. The doctor reports the stillbirth to the registrar.
If you are married, the spouse is automatically registered as the other parent at birth.
If you are unmarried, the father/co-mother can be registered as the other parent even after death by completing a Care and Responsibility Declaration on paper (in Danish: “Omsorgs- og Ansvarserklæring”) or by completing the declaration “Registration of Paternity/Co-motherhood” (In Danish:“Registrering af faderskab/medmoderskab”).
Please note: The declarations are only in Danish. If you need further help, please contact the registrar.
Please make sure to deliver it to the registrar in person or by post. Do not send it by email.
> Download the declaration "Registration of Paternity/co-motherhood" (pdf.) (in Danish only)
> Download the Care and Responsibility Declaration on paper (pdf.) (in Danish only)
> Find the registrar
> Look up any words and terms that you are not familiar with
You can give your stillborn child a name, however not by an ordinary application. Please get help by contacting your registrar who will make sure to register the name whenever you have decided for the name.
You must complete a notice of stillbirth and request for burial or cremation (in Danish: "Anmeldelse af dødfødt barn og anmodning om begravelse/ligbrænding") regardless of funeral with or without the attendance of a priest. You can complete the notice on paper only.
Please note: The notification is in Danish only. If you need help to complete the notification, please contact the registrar.
> Download the notice of stillbirth and request for burial/cremation on paper (pdf.)
> Find the registrar
> Look up any words and terms that you are not familiar with
You cannot get a certificate, however you can get a written documentation for your child from the priest or registrar, in Danish called "Attestation af dødfødt barn".
Miscarriage - (stillbirth) before week 23, including week 21 + 6 days)
If your child was stillborn – born before week 23 including week 21 + 6 days, it is considered to be a miscarriage.
A burial certificate (In Danish: "Nedgravningsattest") will be issued by the doctor as documentation for the registration of a burial in the CPR.
The child cannot be named.
There is no requirement for funeral or burial, however if you wish to have a funeral, you must complete a notice of stillbirth and request for burial or cremation (in Danish: "Anmeldelse af dødfødt barn og anmodning om begravelse/ligbrænding").
Please note: The notification is only in Danish. If you need help to complete the notification, please contact your registrar, the funeral authority.
Please make sure to deliver the request together with the burial certificate to the funeral authority in person or by post. Please, do not send it by email.
The child's funeral will be registered in the CPR.
> Download Notice of Stillbirth and request for burial/cremation on paper (pdf.)
> Find the registrar
> Look up any words and terms that you are not familiar with
If you wish, your registrar, the funeral authority can give you a confirmation of the funeral.