> Find the online application “Ansøg om navneændring ved vielse med MitID”
Please note: the self-service is only available in Danish. Please find help in this guidance or contact your local registrar to get further help.
Click on "Start", then click on “Videre”.
If you are not already logged on, you need to log on with MitID.
Please note: You must each complete an application if you both wish to change your name at your wedding.
Introduction (Step 1 of 6)
At the introduction page you will be introduced to the conditions – and given advice for your preparations before completing your application. You will be informed of the following:
To apply, you both need to have a Danish CPR-number. If not, you must apply by using an application on paper.
- You must apply for a name that you wish to have in common. If you apply for another name, you must complete another application, called “Ansøgning om navneændring”.
- Often you must enclose relevant documentation on the name you are applying for especially if the name you wish belongs to a person who is born in another country.
- If you are married in another country, please attend the Citizen Service Center (“Borgerservice”) in your municipality to update your civil information in the CPR before you complete your application. Bring your Marriage Certificate.
> Find the online application “Ansøg om navneændring” - if you do not apply for a name in common
> Find application on paper (pdf.) (in Danish only) - if you do not apply for a name in common
Navneændring ("Change of name) (Step 2 of 6)
Your present name(s) appears in the Forename, Middle name and Surname fields. Please fill out the name(s) you apply for and delete the names you no longer want.
Tilknytning (“Affiliation)
If you fill out a middle name or surname, you must select the appropriate affiliation, e.g., “Din ægtefælles mellem- eller efternavn” (“Your (future) spouse's middle name or surname”).
Please note: If you hyphenate your family names, choose only the affiliation with the part of the name that belongs to your spouse, choose the affiliation “Din ægtefælles mellem- eller efternavn”.
“Jeres fælles navn ved vielsen” (The name you wish to have in common with your future spouse)
Write your new shared name(s) in “Jeres fælles navn ved vielsen”. If you hyphenate two of your family names into a double surname, e.g. Mcmullen-Anderson, please fill in the full name.
Click on “Næste” (“Next”)
Is the name correct? (pop-up window)
A pop-up window will appear with the name you have filled in. If this is correct, you must confirm by clicking on “Ja, det er korrekt” (“Yes, this is correct”). If this is not correct, go back one step and correct the name.
Vielsen ("Information on the wedding") (Step 3 of 6)
Enter the date of your wedding and place of marriage. Write the church, (“Kirke”), town hall (“Rådhus/kommune”) or religious community (“Anerkendt trossamfund”).
If you are applying for a name change after your wedding (no later than 3 months), this step will not be displayed.
Click on “Næste”
Kontaktoplysninger ("Contact information") (Step 4 of 6)
Please provide information such as your email address and phone number. You also need to enter the CPR-number, name and email address of your future spouse for his/her online consent.
Please note: Every applicant must complete their own application.
Click on “Næste”
Oversigt ("Summary of your information") (Step 5 of 6)
Before the final signature you will be presented to the information you have entered, your requested name, email address and telephone number, the name and email address of any co-signatory, and, at the bottom, the person who must sign the application.
Click on "Underskriv med MitID" ("Sign with MitID")
Behandling af persondata ("Processing of personal data")
The rules on personal data will be presented. At the bottom of this overview, select "Ja, jeg har læst ovenstående" ("yes, I have read the above”).
You will be redirected to MitID for final signing of the application. Choose "Accepter og underskriv" ("Accept and sign") to confirm and sign.
Kvittering ("Confirmation") (Step 6 of 6)
You will receive a confirmation, which will also be sent to your email address. The reference number of the application is stated on the confirmation as well as the name and email address your future spouse. The local registrar who will process the application is also stated. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact this local registrar.
The application will be accessible for co-signing for 14 days after initiation.
If your new name comes from your future spouse, he or she must co-sign - either by clicking on the link in the mail notification - or by accessing the application with MitID on borger.dk where the application is awaiting the co-signature.
Once the co-signatory has signed, the applicant will be notified by mail.
Futher proces - check the status on Mit Overblik on borger.dk
Your application will be processed by your local registrar. If your name change is approved, you will receive a notification in your Digital Post.
Remember to check “Mit Overblik” on borger.dk for status, where you can also see contact information on your local registrar.