> Find the self-service to apply online with MitID
Please note: the self-service is only available in Danish. In need of any further help, read this guidance or contact your local registrar.
To begin, click on 'Start' - then click on “Videre”.
Introduktion (step 1 of 6)
On the introduction you will be introduced to the conditions and advice for your preparations before completing your application. You will be informed of the following:
To apply by using the self-service you need to have a Danish CPR-number both as applicant and as co-signatory.
Relevant documentation on the name you are applying for is often needed to enclose if the name you wish belongs to your family who are born abroad.
Click on “Jeg vil ændre mit eget navn” (in English: "I wish to change my own name")
Click on "Næste" (in English ”Next”)
Log on with your MitID (if you have not already logged on) - then choose "Navneændring".
Navneændring ("Name change") (Step 2 of 6)
Your present name(s) will appear in "Fornavn", "Mellemnavn" og "Efternavn" ("First name, Middle name and Surname"). Please fill out the new name(s) you apply for and delete the part of your name that you no longer want.
“Tilknytning” (“Affiliation")
For middle and surname, select the affiliation to your new name, e.g.:
- “Navn båret af dine forældre” (“Name borne by your parents
- “Dit tidligere mellem- eller efternavn” (“Your former middle or surname”) - or
- ”Din ægtefælles mellem- eller efternavn” (”Your spouse's middle or surname”
- "Din samlevers mellem- eller efternavn" ("Your cohabitant partner's middle or surname"
Please note: If you select the affiliation "Your cohabitant partner's middle or surname", an additional field will appear with a declaration of cohabitation (In Danish: “Samtykkeerklæring”) that you must choose and mark if you have been living together for at least 2 years. If you do not meet the requirements, you cannot get the name of your cohabitant partner.
Click on ”Næste”
> Read about naming rules in connection with change of name for yourself
Is the name correct?
A window will pop up with the name you are applying for. You must click “Ja, det er korrekt” (“yes, this is correct” ) to confirm the name you want. If it is not correct, click on "Tilbage" to revise.
Oplysning om ansøger ("Information about the applicant") (Step 3 of 6)
Please enter your email address and telephone number. You can choose whether your information should be hidden from a possible co-signatory.
If someone else also has to sign the application, such as a cohabitant partner or spouse, you must enter their CPR-number, full name and email address.
Click on ”Næste”
Betaling ("Payment") (Step 4 of 6)
Here you must mark in which context you are applying for a change of name.
Click on ”Næste”
You must choose between different options:
- “Jeg søger om Navneændring på mig selv” (”I only apply for my own name change”)
- ”Min ægtefælle og jeg søger begge om navneændring” (”My spouse and I both apply for a name change)
- ”Min samlever og jeg søger begge om navneændring” (”My cohabitant and I both apply for a name change”)
- Flere i min familie søger om navneændring (”Several family members apply for a name change”)
- “Jeg søger om navneændring i forbindelse med min vielse” (”I am applying for a name change at my wedding”)
- "Jeg mener ikke, at jeg skal betale gebyr" (”I do not believe that I have to pay”)
> Read more about the different payment methods
> Read about the fee
Once you have provided your payment details, you will be informed that the money will only be withdrawn once you have signed the application.
Please note: The fee will be withdrawn once the first signature has been completed. If a co-signatory does not want to sign, the fee will still be withdrawn - and it will not be refunded.
If you do not have to pay
Some applications are free of charge.
If you choose not to pay, you must choose the option:
"Jeg mener ikke, at jeg skal betale gebyr" (”I do not believe that I have to pay”)
You must then write a comment.
If you have paid for another application, please write the CPR-number or a reference number referring to an application that has been paid.
> Read more about the rules on fee for change of name
Oversigt ("Summary of information entered") (Step 5 of 6)
Before the final signature you will be presented to the full information entered: your requested name, email address and telephone number, the name and email address of any co-signatory, and, at the bottom, the person who must sign the application.
Click on 'Accepter og Signer' to confirm and sign.
Processing of personal data (Pop-up window)
A pop-up window will show and you will be able to read about the rules on processing of your personal data before final signature.
At the bottom of this overview, click on “Ja, jeg har læst ovenstående” ("Yes, I have read the above").
You will be redirected to MitID for final signature.
Kvittering (Step 6 of 6) ("Receipt")
You will receive a confirmation, which will also be sent to your email address. The reference number of the application is stated on the confirmation as well as the name and email address of any person who must co-sign. The local registrar who will process the application is also stated. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact this local registrar.
If your application needs a signature from another person, you will receive a notification on mail once your application is co-signed.
Please note: If your application needs to be co-signed by another person and you have entered an incorrect email address for the co-signatory, you cannot correct it in the application. Instead ask the co-signatory to log on to the application “Medunderskriv ansøgning om navneændring ved vielse med MitID” where the application will be accessible for co-signing for 14 days.
Further proces - check status on Mit Overblik
Your application will be processed by your local registrar. If your name change is approved, you will receive a notification in your Digital Post.
Remember to check the process of your application by logging onto MitID and choose “Mit Overblik” on borger.dk, where you can also see contact information on your local registrar.